Leaders of Hope Podcast

Welcome to Leaders of Hope: Real Life Stories of Hope in Action. Season 1 showcases powerful women who are blazing the trail for creative and business innovation during pandemic times.

Listen now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Anchor.

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Jackie Leonard is a storyteller, teacher, and community builder dedicated to empowering the voice of all women, because she believes this is the way to create a better world. With an MFA in Creative Writing and a writing group of her own, Write Beside Her, Jackie is deeply invested in telling her story in her own words and helping other women do the same.

When Jackie became a mom, she realized there was nowhere to go to read stories that resonated with her real-life experience, so she created a new magazine called Motherscope. The third issue, Radical Mama, just came out and my mom, sister, and I are lucky enough to have our photography and writing featured on its pages.

Today, Jackie and I talk about the importance of women’s voices, how the pandemic has served her writing practice, and behind-the-scenes into the making of Radical Mama. And now, your Leader of Hope for the week, Jackie Leonard!

Key Takeaways

  • Jackie talks about her intention is to show up wherever she is.

  • Jackie and I talk about the perfection mentality and how this past year has taught Jackie how to let go a bit.

  • We talk about the the release of Radical Mama issue of Motherscope.

  • We share our memories of the last event we were at together right before the lockdown.

  • We talk about all the different ‘modes’ of production.

  • Jackie discusses the “Covid Diaries” featured on Motherscope.

  • If we really have a good handle on what our true voice is, we can always bring ourselves back to a place of worth and value.

  • Jackie shares how everything she’s done is about making the world a better place and how she can't just do a job for the sake of earning a paycheck. She always has to see a way it helped benefit the world.

  • Jackie talks about how veryone has a motherhood story. We are all somehow connected to motherhood.

  • We talk about how bringing women together, we're healing one another, and creating these spaces where we can help each other out... it just takes an internet connection and some dedicated time.

  • Everyone can tell a story. As long as you're literate, there is something and no one can tell you otherwise.

  • Jackie talks about how we need to be our own advocates. We need to be able to remind ourselves that we are valuable, worthy, the lives we're living have meaning. It's not always obvious when you're in it.

  • Jackie discusses how she has written more this past year than ever and how she needed to be able to remind herself that even without doing anything she expected to do this year, there is still something to create, there is still something she can pull from.

  • Jackie talks about the goal of Motherscope; creating a space where if you want to step up and be seen and heard, you can.

  • The important thing about stepping into our voice: it's a time for women to feel like they can empower themselves. It's not just a benefit, it's a responsibility.

  • To be a Leader of Hope is about living a life where you keep going forward. It's about the 1% thing I can do that's ahead of what I'm doing now.

  • We are never going to arrive at perfection; we can still create something really beautiful, impactful, and meaningful even from this place.

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Talk Back

Connect with Jackie:
Instagram: instagram.com/motherscope/
Motherscope: motherscope.com
Preview Radical Mama Issue motherscope.com/radical-mama
Facebook: facebook.com/motherscope/

Connect with Kirsten:
Say Hello: kirsteninc.com/contact
Social Handles: IG: instagram.com/kirsteninc

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This week’s guest is Kylie Harber: a self-proclaimed multi-passionate creative. We first bonded 10 years ago over our shared love of writing, and I’ve since witnessed her equal talents as an artist, photographer, landscape architect, and designer.

Kylie lives in Brisbane, Australia, and is the founder of Tiny Giraffe featuring custom hand-drawn line art. She works as a senior landscape architect within Australia’s largest local government body, designing and delivering projects for the community.

After being international “pen pals” for years, Kylie and I finally met in person about two years ago when she visited California (yes, she’s a travel fanatic like me!). She was just as charming, kind, generous, and inspiring as I expected. It has been amazing to watch Kylie step fully into her leadership voice and grand dreams, and in 2020, many died on the vine while many came true in a big way.

In today’s episode, Kylie gets vulnerable to the challenges of quarantine and how the world falling apart somehow gave her new boldness to take big risks in honor of her dreams. The rewards have been remarkable - I can’t wait for you to hear from Kylie herself. Here’s your Leader of Hope for the week: Kylie Harber!

Key Takeaways

  • We discuss how Kylie started her business, Tiny Giraffe, as a side hustle that has turned into much more.

  • Kylie has been spending the last nine months designing her new house and is now letting go of her timeline. 

  • We go into detail about how things in her life started to fall apart when COVID first started early last year. 

  • Kirsten is blown away by Kylie’s lockdown experience in Australia, which was radically different than in the U.S.

  • Kylie is dreaming bigger now and more along the lines of her lifespan, including future business projects

  • When Kylie saw failure all around her during COVID, she thought, “why not fail too?” and put herself out there to make her dreams happen without fear.

  • She is expanding Tiny Giraffe through some major growth including partnerships with influencers and interior designers. 

  • We talk about how her acts of bravery always lead to something bigger happening.

  • Kylie reveals some incredibly big news!

Listen now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Join the Convo

Connect with Kylie:
Website: tinygiraffe.co
Facebook: facebook.com/tinygiraffeco
IG: instagram.com/kyles11

Connect with Kirsten:
Say Hello: kirsteninc.com/contact
Social Handles: IG: instagram.com/kirsteninc


Ep 6 with Kelsey Overstreet

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Today’s guest is Kelsey Overstreet: fine artist, jewelry designer, serial entrepreneur, teacher, mother, and founder of the Fucking Fierce Artist Circle.

The first months of the pandemic rocked Kelsey’s business world: 2020 was fully booked with in-person art fairs and pop-up shops to sell her paintings and jewelry. However, this wasn’t Kelsey’s first time facing great challenges. She learned from her experience in the 2008 recession and decided to CHANGE THE NARRATIVE from fear to commitment and contribution.

Seven months later, it has been amazing to see Kelsey’s resilience shining through these challenging times. She committed herself to continue showing up for her studio time no matter what. She leaned into the story of her Hope Necklace which became a bestseller online. She has shifted her energy from in-person events to her online shop and has become a master at curating beautiful photography with personal storytelling.

Here’s your leader of hope for the week, Kelsey Overstreet!


Listen now on Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.

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Connect with Kelsey:

Jewelry Line: giustajewelry.com

Fine Art: kelseyoverstreet.com

IG: instagram.com/giustajewels & instagram.com/kelsey_overstreet

Connect with Kirsten:

Say Hello: kirsteninc.com/contact

IG: instagram.com/kirsteninc

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Today's guest is my one and only mama, Cindy Incorvaia. If you don't know my mom, you're in for a treat today! She is a gifted writer, musician, interior designer, fashion stylist, speaker, wife, and mother of three. She is known by our community for her amazing ability to speak from the heart, delivering encouragement and wisdom with every word. 

Together, we are going to tell the story of how her life got turned upside down and right side up again after a near-death experience last September. She endured great pain and incapacitation on a physical level, and yet her spirit went through an incredible transformation that has become a source of hope and inspiration for everyone around her.

Now we call her "Million Dollar Mama" because she had one million dollars in medical treatment and later received a personal injury settlement of the same value. We also call her "Miracle Mama" because the doctors all said she was a walking miracle after her speedy and full recovery. 

 In this episode, we explore the rising of Mom's indomitable spirit and supernatural strength to endure great challenges as her body healed. Over a year later, we also look at the gifts of going through something really hard: we get to see how much we are held and supported, how many people care about us, and how much we have to live for. 

I hope Mom's story gives you inspiration for what's possible after hitting rock bottom. No matter how painful it is, there is always something beautiful to be gained on the other side.

Key Takeaways

  • We went deep into the story of my mom’s accident on an early September evening that altered the course of all of our lives. 

  • My mom talks about this idea of “buoying” each other up with hope.

  • We discuss how we make choices every day, but sometimes choices are made for us. What does this mean and what’s the “gift”?

  • We discuss the complexity of her accident from her perspective and mine as a witness.

  • My mom talks about what it was like to go from sipping champagne at my housewarming party to waking up in the ICU with a broken neck, back, and other severe injuries. 

  • We talk about the layered emotions of the guilt we both experienced for very different reasons. 

  • We talk about how there is sovereignty when things like this happen. 

  • We talk about the “indomitable spirit” that emerges in moments of crisis.

  • We discuss Mom’s encounter with the thin veil between life and death.

  • How my mom found the strength to persevere.

  • She discusses what it was like being 100% powerless but how she tapped into this inner power that was unprecedented. 

  • Her breakdown was actually her breakthrough. 

  • We take a deeper look at what true healing looks like.

Dive deep into Cindy’s transformation journey over the past year. Listen now on Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Join the Convo

Connect with Cindy:
Social Handles: IG: www.instagram.com/cindyinc/

Connect with Kirsten:
Say Hello: kirsteninc.com/contact/
Social Handles: IG: instagram.com/kirsteninc/

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Today’s episode is part two with Lauren Duke: author of the forthcoming memoir, Shithouse, and founder of Gather Encinitas. If you haven’t listened to part one, you can find it here.

The first half of this conversation was about the spiritual journey of 2020 and the second half focuses on the nitty-gritty details of how Lauren’s businesses are evolving. Every second is worth listening to. Enjoy!

Key Takeaways

  • Lauren discusses how her privilege has allowed her to step back, see the bigger picture and ask, “what can be more useful right now?” with her businesses.

  • How can Lauren best serve her mission? Right now it means subletting the brick-and-mortar space (unusable for community gatherings during COVID-19) to a new 501C, Encinitas4Equality, to support allyship with BIPOC neighbors in Encinitas.

  • We talk about how Be Well has transformed from a co-working/workshop/yoga space into a community acupuncture clinic that makes Chinese medicine available to everyone.

  • Lauren and I discuss the lack of diversity in Encinitas and how my eyes have been opened to the prevalence of systemic racism in Southern California.  

  • We talk about the new addition of Gather Yosemite and the greater dream to create a network of mental health retreats around the world.

  • Lauren reveals the ups and downs of writing her first memoir, “Shithouse,” which focuses on breaking free from our histories and family patterns.

  • We have the power to dismantle transgenerational trauma and inherited narratives to become ourselves.

Listen Now

Use the above player or listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your app of choice.

Talk Back

Connect with Lauren:
Instagram: instagram.com/dollieduke83
Gather Encinitas: instagram.com/gatherencinitas

Connect with Kirsten:
Say Hello: kirsteninc.com/contact
Social Handles: IG: instagram.com/kirsteninc

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Today’s guest is the one and only Lauren Duke: a talented entrepreneur, yoga teacher, community leader, and writer. We first met about 3 years ago when I was right in the middle of a rock bottom moment and Gather became my safe haven for healing heartbreak and moving trauma out of my body. Gather was a thriving community yoga space on the 101 that became my home away from home for yoga classes, wellness workshops, pop up markets, and dance parties. When Lauren took over the space next door to create Be Well, a women’s co-working space, I was all in. These spaces were my connection to self-care practices and like-minded community during one of the hardest times of my life - they were my lifeline.

The first half of this conversation is about the spiritual journey of 2020 and the second half focuses on the nitty-gritty details of how Lauren’s businesses are evolving. Every second is worth listening to, stay tuned for Part 2 next week!

Key Takeaways

  • Quarantine allowed Lauren to step back and take a breath after the initial go of survival mode. 

  • Listening to your inner teacher means being accountable for your own life. 

  • Which traditions are still useful and which ones do we need to let go for the sake of growth?

  • The importance of critical thinking and how it can change your life. 

  • Nothing we are experiencing is really “new.” We just have more access to it through social media.

  • Dive deep into Lauren’s definition of privilege and how if affects her experience of the pandemic. 

  • We discuss the societal conditioning of guilt associated with white privilege.

  • Turn guilt into critical thinking: what does it mean to use privilege for a force of good? (i.e. choosing not to support systems that perpetuate racism)

  • Being a Leader of Hope is about expanding awareness in yourself and the collective. 

  • Stopping the cycle of transgenerational trauma means healing unresolved trauma in the nervous system.

Listen Now

Use the above player or listen on Spotify or your app of choice.

Talk Back

Connect with Lauren:
Instagram: instagram.com/dollieduke83
Gather Encinitas: instagram.com/gatherencinitas

Connect with Kirsten:
Say Hello: kirsteninc.com/contact
Social Handles: IG: instagram.com/kirsteninc

Leaders of Hope interview Monica Urick

In this episode of Leaders of Hope, I talk with Monica Urick: a dear friend and fellow small business owner in San Francisco. She is the one-woman show behind Monkei Miles, a children’s resale shop that has become a family favorite in the Sunset district and beyond. We discuss how the pandemic has radically altered her business model and how she quickly evolved to keep her business alive. There are so many incredible bits of wisdom peppered throughout this conversation, including my favorite quote from Monica: "I've taken the word 'pivot' out of my dictionary. Now I call it RESILIENCE."

Key Takeaways

  • March 2020 lockdown and escape to Joshua Tree: starting an online shop with curated clothing bundles

  • Working with landlord and government aid to stay in business during Shelter in Place closures

  • Monica explores setting up calendar and appointment-only shopping with personal stylist. Adjusting as pandemic and wildland fire smoke continues

  • Why you don’t need a large number of followers -- it’s about authentic connection

  • Navigating the changes happening in San Francisco as small businesses close and people move out

  • Why it is vital to balance hope and not being in denial about the reality of our current situation

  • The importance of living pandemic times in community and Monica’s self-care routine

  • A Leader of Hope is the one who connects people, listens and cares

Listen Now

Use the above player or listen on Spotify or your app of choice.

Talk Back

Connect with Monica | Shop Monkei Miles:
Instagram: instagram.com/monkeimiles/
Facebook: facebook.com/monkeimiles/

Connect with Kirsten:
Say Hello: kirsteninc.com/contact/
Social Handles: IG: instagram.com/kirsteninc


Ep 4 with Cindy Invorvaia

Leaders of Hope with Cindy Incorvaia


Key Takeaways

Dive deep into Cindy’s transformation journey over the last year. Listen now on Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.

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Connect with Cindy:
Social Handles: IG:

Connect with Kirsten:
Say Hello: kirsteninc.com/contact/
Social Handles: IG: instagram.com/kirsteninc/