I felt anxious when I logged off Instagram yesterday.
If you follow a lot of coaches and personal development peeps like I do, you probably felt the same thing. The first week of January is all about New Years Resolutions: new self improvement projects, growth initiatives and whole-person makeovers. There’s an underlying stress to it.
Rushing. Forcing. Pushing. Striving.
The truth is, we’re still at the beginning of winter. This isn’t the season for big action. It’s the season for hibernation and rest. It’s the time of year for planting seeds in the fertile dark.
New Years Resolutions seldom last. I think it’s because they are made from a hasty impulse to suddenly fix everything that’s wrong with us. Inherently there’s an underlying belief that we need fixing.
The truth is, you are perfect just the way you are. You are whole and complete already. You are not broken. You are not a project to be fixed.
There is an opportunity in the transition from one year to another. This is a moment of INTENTION.
Intentionally leaving behind what no longer serves.
Intentionally closing the chapter on what has passed.
Intentionally looking forward to a new vision.
Intentionally calling in what you want to create next.
I see the New Year like a fresh blanket of white snow over our lives. It covers the old tracks and mud puddles. It’s a clean, blank slate. A fresh start. A new beginning.
One of my favorite meditation teachers, Jack Kornfield, always says: we can begin again in any moment.
That’s the invitation of the New Year. To give ourselves permission to begin again. It’s a hard reset: like restarting your smartphone to clear out bugs.
However, we don’t start back at zero.
We stand on the foundation of everything that came before. The pain of the past is composted into fertilizer. A lifetime of knowledge, wisdom, strength and resilience serves as deep roots. The dark mystery of winter serves as a safe cocoon for new seeds to germinate. We set forth our intentions, taking the best from the past and leaving behind the rest.
We step forward into the sunrise lighter than before. There’s nothing to DO yet. That will come in spring. For now, it’s an internal revolution that comes with the New Year. Harvesting of all the treasures we’ve learned in the past year and re-focusing on what matters most: our intention, desire, longing, and vision.
New Years Resolutions are about fixing a broken self.
New Years Revolutions are about the internal re-alignment back to purpose, vision, intention and desire.
Nothing needs to change on the outside yet. You’re still in the warm den of hibernation. The transformation is happening inside. Universal intelligence is taking care of that. Your cells know exactly how to renew themselves in this season of rest. You’re already growing. You don’t have to make any effort. Just soften into the natural process and trust the season you’re in.
Productivity and action will come in the spring. For now, melt into the New Years Revolution happening in your soul. Meditate on your intentions. Write about your desires. Reflect on what matters most to you. Nourish yourself deeply.
You’re right where you’re meant to be.
Happy 2024 my loves.